Rough Cut Class Feedback

We showed our rough cut to the class in order to get some comments and areas from improvements. Comments were written under the headings; Camerawork, Mise-en-scene, Sound, Editing and Titles & Idents.


In terms of camera work, it was noted that we had used handheld camera work and used a tripod showing that we have used a variety of camera styles. it was also said that the pan around the bathroom adds tension to the scene which is something that we did try to create. Also, it was said that we had included a good use of close ups which give information about the protagonist. In terms of improvements, we were advised to make sure all of the shots were in focus and to limit the amount of hand held shots as it can disorientate the audience.


It was said by numerous people that they liked the clocks and candles which is a main feature of that particular scene. It was also noted that the circling of the photo at 1:48 was effective however they did not understand the highlighting of the words in the same sequence at 1:54. We were also advised that the pan around the bathroom was a little too fast to take in what was happening and that it could be interesting to focus on more and add more clutter and possibly more clocks and candles.


In terms of sound, we were told that we had used the clocks successfully and the sound of them to add to the scene however it was noted that the sound of the clock may have been a little bit too loud. It was also said that they liked that the sound of the man’s voice fades away as the kidnapper fades away. They also liked the high pitched soundtrack as it was eerie and fitted in with the thriller genre.


We were told that our ident looked professional and so did the titles however they could have been made to look a bit gory to help it fit in with the thriller genre of the opening. 


In terms of editing, the areas that were specifically commented on was the credits which they thought looked professional and did not take away from the shots or over power them due to the font and text colour used. The transition at the end was also commented on as being fluid and professional. 

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